홈페이지 | www.cate.org | ||
국가 | 미국 | 주 | California |
도시 | Carpinteria | 학교구분 | 조기 |
개교년도 | 1910년 | 학교분류 | 남녀공학 |
재학생수 | 265명 | 운영레벨 | |
1교시수업 | 한반인원 | 10명 | |
전화번호 | (805) 684-4127 | 팩스번호 | |
주소 | 1960 Cate Mesa Road Carpinteria, California 93013 |
미서부 캘리포니아주 산타바바라의 남쪽 20분 거리에 Carpinteria라는 작은 시골 마을에 위치하며, LA에서 1시간 30분 거리입니다.
재학생 중 220 명 정도 기숙사 생활을 하며, 16% 정도 외국학생들입니다.
주로 바레인, 캐나다, 중국, 한국, 콩고, 독일, 가나, 인도네시아, 일본, 필리핀, 스위스, 홍콩, 타이 등 다양한 국적의 학생들이 공부하고 있습니다.
86% 이상의 학생들이 3점 이상의 점수를 받았으며, SAT 점수도 평균 2100 을 넘는 우수한 교육과정을 제공합니다.
ESL제공하지 않아 입학전형이 매우 어려우며, 매년 2000명의 이상의 학생들이 지원하지만, 입학은 5% 정도 밖에 되지 않습니다.
[Grade 9]
The freshman course of study is primarily comprised of the following:
•Humanities (English/History)
•Conceptual Physics•Mathematics
•Foundation Arts•Foreign Language
•Freshman Seminar
[Grade 10 (New Students)]
New sophomores take the following courses:
•English 10
•Foundation Arts•Mathematics
•Chemistry•Foreign Language
•Sophomore Seminar
•Topics in Modern World History (Europe and Asia)
[Grade 10 (Returning Students)]
Returning sophomores take the following courses:
•English 10
•Foreign Language
•Sophomore Seminar
•Topics in Modern World History (Europe and Asia)
[Grade 11]
Virtually all juniors take the following three courses:
•English 11
•Mathematics: Students who have not taken Math 30 (Integrated Algebra II and Trigonometry) must do so. Students who have completed Math 30 may take courses from Math 35 (Integrated Problem Solving 3) through Advanced courses in Statistics, Computer Science, and Calculus to satisfy their third-year requirement.
•Foreign Language: Juniors who have not completed the required third-year course must do so. Students who have completed the required third-year course are encouraged to continue foreign language study through at least the junior year.
The following courses must be taken in either the junior or senior year:
•U. S. History
•Biology or Honors Biology
•Completion of the arts requirement
Electives make up the rest of the required units.
[Grade 12]
Seniors must take English 12 in the fall and an English literature elective in the winter and spring. If they have not already done so, they must complete whatever requirements remain.
Electives make up the rest of the required units.
Seniors may choose to puruse an independent Inquiry Project.
Directed Studies are available to juniors and seniors and meant to satisfy an interest that lies outside and beyond the established curriculum.
Directed Studies courses are trimester-long or year-long. They are designed by any student in conjunction with a faculty director who is willing to supervise and grade the study. Directed Studies may not be used to reach the minimum units/trimester.
All course registration forms are reviewed by a team that includes the grade-level academic advisors, the chair of the curriculum committee, the director of studies, and for juniors and seniors, the college counselors.
** 교내활동 **
Visual Arts/Music/Theater/Dance/Digital Arts
** 기타활동 **
Cross Country, Water Polo, Football, Tennis, Volleyball , Baseball, Lacrosse, Softball, Soccer, Basketball
Recommendaton ( Math, English, Personal, Special interest )