교육청 소개

이스트 욕 (East York), 이토비코 (Etobicoke), 노스 욕 (North York),
스카보로(Scarborough), 토론토 다운타운 (Toronto Downtown) 지역에 위치한
학교를 운영, 관리하고 있습니다.
토론토 카톨릭 교육청은 토론토 내 가장 큰 교육청 중 하나이며,
한국인 비율이 적으며 타 교육청에 비해서 상대적으로 학비도 저렴하고 우수한 컬리큘럼을
자랑하며 몇 몇 학교의 경우, 학생의 재능에 따라 그에 따른 특화프로그램 (Arts)을
운영하고 있습니다.
토론토 카톨릭 교육청에서 지원하는 프로그램으로는 Arts, IB, AP, FI 등 학생들의
장래에 꼭 필요한 교육과정을 제공합니다.

교육청 주소 | 80 Sheppard Ave. E., Toronto ON., M2N 6E8 | 웹사이트 | -교육청: http://www.tcdsb.org/Pages/default.aspx -초중고등학교 : http://www.tcdsb.org/school/ Alphabeticalschooldirectory/Pages/default.aspx |
개설학년 | 유치원 ~ 12학년 | 국제학생 수 | -전체 국제학생: 약 93,000명 -ESL (English as a Second Language): 20% 미만 |
학교 안내 | -초등학교 (K~8): 168개 -중고등학교 (9~12): 31개, 통합학교: 2개 |
학제 시스템 | Elementary (유치원~8학년), Secondary (9~12학년) |
제공서비스 | -교복 착용 -초등학생에게 스쿨버스 무료 지원 |
개설프로그램 | -초등학교 프로그램 *4~13세는 반드시 세례를 받아야하고 토론토에 거주해야함 -중고등학교 프로그램 -여름 단기 프로그램 (7월, ESL 프로그램) |
교사:학생 비율 | - | 숙박시설 | 홈스테이 |
부모 동반 여부 | 부모동반 없이 초등학생 입학 가능 | 입학시기 | 9월, 1월 (입학시기가 아니어도 매월 ESL 과정으로 입학가능) |

2. 모든 학교가 토론토 시내에 위치하여 대중 교통을 이용한 통학 편리
3. 유학생들을 위한 집중적인 영어 교육 실시
4. 외국학생 입학 가능한 고등학교는 60개로 선택의 폭이넓음

토론토는 주변의 Mississauga, Brampton, Vaughan, Richmond Hill, Markham 등의 도시들을 하나로 연결하여 광역
도시권을 형성하고 있는데 이를 GTA(Greater Toronto Area)라고 합니다.
캐나다의 금융,상업 중심지로 특히, 토론토 증권 거래소는 서반구의 주요 주식 거래소로 유명합니다.
미국의 여러 주요 공업 중심지로 연결되어 국제교역 중심지로서의 역할을 하며,
토론토항은 캐나다에서 수출하는 제조품의 대부분을 취급합니다.
온타리오주의 풍부한 광물, 목재, 농산품 등의 원자재와 수력 에너지의 혜택을 누리며 건설, 금융, 운송, 행정, 휴양, 관광
산업이 발달되었습니다.
근교에 나이아가라 폭포와 CN 타워가 있고, 다양한 호수와 쾌적한 캠핑장소 및 휴식장소가 많습니다.
북미와 캐나다 최대의 경제, 문화 중심지인 토론토는 최신식의 미래 지향적인 교육환경을 자랑하며, 명문 토론토 대학(UT)이
중심에 위치하고 있고 미술관, 공원, 동물원 등이 고루 갖추어져 있습니다.

Abc | SchoolName | Panel | Address | Phone | Fax |
A | St Agatha | Elementary | 49 Cathedral Bluffs Drive Scarborough ON M1M 2T6 | 416-393-5302 | 416-397-6040 |
St Agnes | Elementary | 280 Otonabee Avenue Willowdale ON M2M 2T2 | 416-393-5345 | 416-393-5021 | |
St Aidan | Elementary | 3521 Finch Avenue East Agincourt ON M1W 2S2 | 416-393-5350 | 416-393-5588 | |
St Albert | Elementary | 1125 Midland Avenue Scarborough ON M1K 4H2 | 416-393-5335 | 416-393-5584 | |
All Saints | Elementary | 1435 Royal York Road Weston ON M9P 3A7 | 416-393-5290 | 416-397-6139 | |
St Alphonsus | Elementary | 60 Atlas Avenue Toronto ON M6C 3N9 | 416-393-5326 | 416-393-5066 | |
St Ambrose | Elementary | 20 Coules Court Etobicoke ON M8W 2N9 | 416-393-5259 | 416-393-5039 | |
St Andrew | Elementary | 2533 Kipling Avenue Rexdale ON M9V 3A8 | 416-393-5295 | 416-229-7052 | |
St Angela | Elementary | 220 Mount Olive Drive Rexdale ON M9V 3Z5 | 416-393-5361 | 416-397-6041 | |
Annunciation | Elementary | 65 Avonwick Gate Don Mills ON M3A 2M8 | 416-393-5299 | 416-397-6089 | |
St Anselm | Elementary | 182 Bessborough Drive East York ON M4G 3J9 | 416-393-5243 | 416-397-6320 | |
St Anthony | Elementary | 130 Shanly Street Toronto ON M6H 1L9 | 416-393-5210 | 416-393-5793 | |
St Antoine Daniel | Elementary | 160 Finch Avenue West Willowdale ON M2N 2J2 | 416-393-5339 | 416-393-5157 | |
Archbishop Romero | Secondary | 99 Humber Boulevard Toronto ON M6N 2H4 | 416-393-5555 | 416-393-5010 | |
St Augustine | Elementary | 98 Shoreham Drive Downsview ON M3N 1S9 | 416-393-5328 | 416-393-5156 | |
B | St Barbara | Elementary | 25 Janray Drive Scarborough ON M1G 1Y2 | 416-393-5274 | 416-393-5952 |
St Barnabas | Elementary | 30 Washburn Way Scarborough ON M1B 1H3 | 416-393-5351 | 416-397-6980 | |
St Bartholomew | Elementary | 51 Heather Road Agincourt ON M1S 2E2 | 416-393-5334 | 416-397-6086 | |
St Basil-The-Great | Secondary | 20 Starview Lane North York ON M9M 3B2 | 416-393-5513 | 416-393-5452 | |
St Bede | Elementary | 521 Sewells Road Scarborough ON M1B 5H3 | 416-393-5425 | 416-397-6066 | |
St Benedict | Elementary | 2202 Kipling Avenue Rexdale ON M9W 4K9 | 416-393-5267 | 416-393-5045 | |
St Bernard | Elementary | 12 Duckworth Street Toronto ON M6M 4W4 | 416-393-5261 | 416-393-5116 | |
Bishop Allen Academy | Secondary | 721 Royal York Road Etobicoke ON M8Y 2T3 | 416-393-5549 | 416-397-6074 | |
Bishop Marrocco/Thomas Merton | Secondary | 1515 Bloor Street West Toronto ON M6P 1A3 | 416-393-5545 | 416-393-5977 | |
Blessed Cardinal Newman | Secondary | 100 Brimley Road South Toronto ON M1M3X4 | 416-393-5519 | 416-393-5110 | |
Blessed Margherita | Elementary | 108 Spenvalley Drive Downsview ON M3L 1Z5 | 416-393-5409 | 416-393-5430 | |
Blessed Mother Teresa | Secondary | 40 Sewells Road Scarborough ON M1B 3G5 | 416-393-5538 | 416-393-5479 | |
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati | Elementary | 8 Seasons Drive Scarborough ON M1X 1X4 | 416-393-5456 | 416-397-6168 | |
Blessed Sacrament | Elementary | 24 Bedford Park Avenue Toronto ON M5M 1H9 | 416-393-5226 | 416-393-5809 | |
Blessed Trinity | Elementary | 3205 Bayview Avenue Willowdale ON M2K 1G3 | 416-393-5289 | 416-393-5832 | |
St Bonaventure | Elementary | 1340 Leslie Street Don Mills ON M3C 2K9 | 416-393-5263 | 416-393-5117 | |
St Boniface | Elementary | 20 Markanna Drive Scarborough ON M1M 2J1 | 416-393-5277 | 416-393-5487 | |
Brebeuf | Secondary | 211 Steeles Avenue East Willowdale ON M2M 3Y6 | 416-393-5508 | 416-397-6404 | |
St Brendan | Elementary | 186 Centennial Road West Hill ON M1C 1Z9 | 416-393-5359 | 416-393-5593 | |
St Brigid | Elementary | 50 Woodmount Avenue Toronto ON M4C 3X9 | 416-393-5235 | 416-393-5815 | |
St Bruno | Elementary | 402 Melita Crescent Toronto ON M6G 3X6 | 416-393-5376 | 416-393-5844 | |
C | Canadian Martyrs | Elementary | 520 Plains Road Toronto ON M4C 2Z1 | 416-393-5251 | 416-397-6192 |
Cardinal Carter Academy | Secondary | 36 Greenfield Avenue Willowdale ON M2N 3C8 | 416-393-5556 | 416-397-6119 | |
Cardinal Leger | Elementary | 600 Morrish Road West Hill ON M1C 4Y1 | 416-393-5419 | 416-393-5012 | |
St Catherine | Elementary | 30 Roanoke Road Don Mills ON M3A 1E9 | 416-393-5316 | 416-393-5146 | |
St Cecilia | Elementary | 355 Annette Street Toronto ON M6P 1R3 | 416-393-5218 | 416-397-6045 | |
Chaminade College | Secondary | 490 Queen's Drive Toronto ON M6L 1M8 | 416-393-5509 | 416-397-6093 | |
St Charles | Elementary | 50 Claver Avenue Toronto ON M6B 2W1 | 416-393-5250 | 416-393-5948 | |
St Charles Garnier | Elementary | 20 Stong Court Downsview ON M3N 2X9 | 416-393-5363 | 416-393-5174 | |
Christ The King | Elementary | 3672 Lake Shore Blvd West Toronto ON M8W 1N6 | 416-393-5257 | 416-397-6010 | |
St Clare | Elementary | 124 Northcliffe Boulevard Toronto ON M6E 3K4 | 416-393-5214 | 416-393-5026 | |
St Clement | Elementary | 4319 Bloor Street West Etobicoke ON M9C 2A2 | 416-393-5307 | 416-397-6319 | |
St Columba | Elementary | 10 John Tabor Trail Scarborough ON M1B 1M9 | 416-393-5380 | 416-393-5604 | |
St Conrad | Elementary | 5 Exbury Road Toronto ON M3M 0A8 | 416-393-5396 | 416-393-5641 | |
Sts Cosmas and Damian | Elementary | 111 Danesbury Avenue North York ON M6B 3L3 | 416-393-5398 | 416-393-5190 | |
St Cyril | Elementary | 18 Kempford Boulevard Willowdale ON M2N 2B9 | 416-393-5270 | 416-393-5119 | |
D | D`Arcy McGee | Elementary | 20 Bansley Avenue Toronto ON M6E 2A2 | 416-393-5318 | 416-393-5063 |
Dante Alighieri | Secondary | 60 Playfair Avenue Toronto ON M6B 2P9 | 416-393-5522 | 416-397-6123 | |
St Demetrius | Elementary | 125 La Rose Avenue Weston ON M9P 1A6 | 416-393-5384 | 416-393-5087 | |
St Denis | Elementary | 67 Balsam Avenue Toronto ON M4E 3B8 | 416-393-5310 | 416-393-5827 | |
St Dominic Savio | Elementary | 50 Tideswell Blvd. Scarborough ON M1B 5X3 | 416-393-5467 | 416-397-6597 | |
Don Bosco | Secondary | 2 St Andrew's Boulevard Weston ON M9R 1V8 | 416-393-5525 | 416-393-5714 | |
St Dorothy | Elementary | 155 John Garland Blvd Rexdale ON M9V 1N7 | 416-393-5341 | 416-512-3513 | |
St Dunstan | Elementary | 14 Pharmacy Avenue Scarborough ON M1L 3E4 | 416-393-5241 | 416-393-5801 | |
E | St Edmund Campion | Elementary | 30 Highcastle Road West Hill ON M1E 4N1 | 416-393-5356 | 416-393-5148 |
St Edward | Elementary | 1 Botham Road North York ON M2N 2J6 | 416-393-5255 | 416-512-3381 | |
St Elizabeth | Elementary | 5 Redcar Avenue Islington ON M9B 1J8 | 416-393-5278 | 416-393-5048 | |
St Elizabeth Seton | Elementary | 25 Havenview Road Scarborough ON M1S 3A4 | 416-393-5386 | 416-393-5608 | |
Epiphany of Our Lord Catholic Academy | Elementary | 3150 Pharmacy Avenue Agincourt ON M1W 1J5 | 416-393-5378 | 416-393-5602 | |
St Eugene | Elementary | 30 WestRoyal Road Weston ON M9P 2C3 | 416-393-5337 | 416-393-5073 | |
F | Father Serra | Elementary | 111 Sun Row Drive Weston ON M9P 3J3 | 416-393-5391 | 416-397-6095 |
St Fidelis | Elementary | 9 Bannerman Street Toronto ON M6L 2S5 | 416-393-5358 | 416-397-6315 | |
St Florence | Elementary | 101 Murison Boulevard Scarborough ON M1B 2L6 | 416-393-5385 | 416-397-6353 | |
Fr Henry Carr | Secondary | 1760 Martin Grove Rexdale ON M9V 3S4 | 416-393-5521 | 416-393-5692 | |
Fr John Redmond | Secondary | 28 Colonel Samuel Smith Park Dr. Etobicoke ON M8V4B7 | 416-393-5540 | 416-393-5761 | |
St Francis Assisi | Elementary | 80 Clinton Street Toronto ON M6G 2Y3 | 416-393-5206 | 416-393-5782 | |
St Francis de Sales | Elementary | 333 Firgrove Crescent Downsview ON M3N 1K9 | 416-393-5366 | 416-229-3743 | |
Francis Libermann | Secondary | 4640 Finch Avenue East Scarborough ON M1S 4G2 | 416-393-5524 | 416-393-5891 | |
St Francis Xavier | Elementary | 53 Gracefield Avenue Toronto ON M6L 1L3 | 416-393-5271 | 416-393-5121 | |
G | St Gabriel | Elementary | 396 Spring Garden Avenue Willowdale ON M2N 3H5 | 416-393-5256 | 416-393-5199 |
St Gabriel Lalemant | Elementary | 160 Crow Trail Scarborough ON M1B 1Y3 | 416-393-5377 | 416-393-5601 | |
St Gerald | Elementary | 200 Old Sheppard Avenue Willowdale ON M2J 3L9 | 416-393-5319 | 416-397-6330 | |
St Gerard Majella | Elementary | 35 Heavitree Drive Downsview ON M3L 1K5 | 416-393-5346 | 416-229-3745 | |
St Gregory | Elementary | 126 Rathburn Road Islington ON M9B 2K6 | 416-393-5262 | 416-393-5189 | |
H | St Helen | Elementary | 1196 College Street Toronto ON M6H 1B8 | 416-393-5208 | 416-397-6142 |
St Henry | Elementary | 100 Bamburgh Circle Scarborough ON M1W 3R3 | 416-393-5395 | 416-393-5612 | |
Holy Angels | Elementary | 65 Jutland Road Toronto ON M8Z 2G6 | 416-393-5329 | 416-393-5437 | |
Holy Child | Elementary | 850 Humberwood Blvd Rexdale ON M9W 7A6 | 416-393-5433 | 416-397-6305 | |
Holy Cross | Elementary | 299A Donlands Avenue Toronto ON M4J 3R7 | 416-393-5242 | 416-393-5030 | |
Holy Family | Elementary | 141 Close Avenue Toronto ON M6K 2V6 | 416-393-5212 | 416-393-5797 | |
Holy Name | Elementary | 690 Carlaw Avenue Toronto ON M4K 3K9 | 416-393-5215 | 416-393-5934 | |
Holy Redeemer | Elementary | 111 Aspenwood Drive Willowdale ON M2H 2G2 | 416-393-5353 | 416-397-6334 | |
Holy Rosary | Elementary | 308 Tweedsmuir Avenue Toronto ON M5P 2Y1 | 416-393-5225 | 416-397-6360 | |
Holy Spirit | Elementary | 3530 Sheppard Avenue East Scarborough ON M1T 3K7 | 416-393-5282 | 416-393-5572 | |
I | St Ignatius of Loyola | Elementary | 2350 McCowan Road Scarborough ON M1S 4B4 | 416-393-5365 | 416-393-5596 |
Immaculate Conception | Elementary | 23 Comay Road Toronto ON M6M 2K9 | 416-393-5281 | 416-397-6001 | |
Immaculate Heart of Mary | Elementary | 101 Birchmount Road Scarborough ON M1N 3J7 | 416-393-5272 | 416-393-5567 | |
St Isaac Jogues | Elementary | 1330 York Mills Road Don Mills ON M3A 1Z8 | 416-393-5315 | 416-393-5223 | |
J | St James | Elementary | 230 Humbercrest Boulevard Toronto ON M6S 4L3 | 416-393-5275 | 416-393-5046 |
James Cardinal McGuigan | Secondary | 1440 Finch Avenue West Downsview ON M3J 3G3 | 416-393-5527 | 416-397-6062 | |
James Culnan | Elementary | 605 Willard Avenue Toronto ON M6S 3S1 | 416-393-5325 | 416-393-5065 | |
St Jane Frances | Elementary | 2745 Jane Street Downsview ON M3L 2E8 | 416-393-5296 | 416-393-5135 | |
St Jean De Brebeuf | Elementary | 101 Dean Park Road Scarborough ON M1B 2X2 | 416-393-5394 | 416-397-6003 | |
Jean Vanier | Secondary | 959 Midland Avenue Scarborough ON M1K 4G4 | 416-393-5554 | 416-397-6152 | |
St Jerome | Elementary | 111 Sharpecroft Boulevard Downsview ON M3J 1P5 | 416-393-5294 | 416-393-5131 | |
St Joachim | Elementary | 3395 St Clair Avenue East Toronto ON M1L 1W3 | 416-393-5292 | 416-397-6481 | |
St John (Toronto) | Elementary | 780 Kingston Road Toronto ON M4E 1R7 | 416-393-5220 | 416-393-5211 | |
St John Bosco | Elementary | 75 Holmesdale Road Toronto ON M6E 1Y2 | 416-393-5305 | 416-397-6325 | |
St John Paul II | Secondary | 685 Military Trail Scarborough ON M1E 4P6 | 416-393-5531 | 416-393-5735 | |
St John The Evangelist | Elementary | 55 Pelham Avenue Toronto ON M6N 1A5 | 416-393-5244 | 416-393-5032 | |
St John Vianney | Elementary | 105 Thistledown Boulevard Rexdale ON M9V 1J5 | 416-393-5392 | 416-397-6026 | |
St John XXIII | Elementary | 175 Grenoble Drive Don Mills ON M3C 3E7 | 416-393-5348 | 416-393-5164 | |
St Josaphat | Elementary | 85 Forty First Street Toronto ON M8W 3P1 | 416-393-5291 | 416-397-6296 | |
St Joseph | Elementary | 176 Leslie Street Toronto ON M4M 3C7 | 416-393-5209 | 416-393-5871 | |
St Joseph College | Secondary | 74 Wellesley Street West Toronto ON M5S 1C4 | 416-393-5514 | 416-975-4371 | |
St Joseph Morrow Park | Secondary | 3379 Bayview Avenue Willowdale ON M2M 3S4 | 416-393-5516 | 416-397-6141 | |
Josyf Cardinal Slipyj | Elementary | 35 West Deane Park Drive Islington ON M9B 2R5 | 416-393-5413 | 416-397-6044 | |
St Jude | Elementary | 3251 Weston Road North York ON M9M 2T9 | 416-393-5279 | 416-393-5122 | |
K | St Kateri Tekakwitha | Elementary | 70 Margaret Avenue Willowdale ON M2J 4C4 | 416-393-5393 | 416-393-5183 |
St Kevin | Elementary | 15 Murray Glen Drive Scarborough ON M1R 3J6 | 416-393-5300 | 416-393-5268 | |
L | St Lawrence | Elementary | 2216 Lawrence Avenue East Scarborough ON M1P 2P9 | 416-393-5264 | 416-397-6347 |
St Leo | Elementary | 165 Stanley Avenue Toronto ON M8V 1P1 | 416-393-5333 | 416-393-5071 | |
Loretto Abbey | Secondary | 101 Mason Boulevard Toronto ON M5M 3E2 | 416-393-5510 | 416-397-6137 | |
Loretto College | Secondary | 151 Rosemount Avenue Toronto ON M6H 2N1 | 416-393-5511 | 416-393-5879 | |
St Louis | Elementary | 11 Morgan Avenue Toronto ON M8Y 2Z7 | 416-393-5331 | 416-397-6138 | |
St Luigi | Elementary | 2 Ruskin Avenue Toronto ON M6P 3P8 | 416-393-5370 | 416-393-5480 | |
St Luke | Elementary | 319 Ossington Avenue Toronto ON M6J 3A6 | 416-393-5347 | 416-397-6002 | |
M | Madonna | Secondary | 20 Dubray Avenue Downsview ON M3K 1V5 | 416-393-5506 | 416-397-6088 |
St Malachy | Elementary | 80 Bennett Road West Hill ON M1E 3Y3 | 416-393-5336 | 416-393-5585 | |
St Marcellus | Elementary | 15 Denfield Street Weston ON M9R 3H2 | 416-393-5311 | 416-393-5060 | |
St Margaret | Elementary | 85 Carmichael Avenue Toronto ON M5M 2X1 | 416-393-5249 | 416-393-5111 | |
St Marguerite Bourgeoys | Elementary | 75 Alexmuir Boulevard Agincourt ON M1V 1H6 | 416-393-5381 | 416-393-5606 | |
St Maria Goretti | Elementary | 21 Kenmark Boulevard Scarborough ON M1K 3N8 | 416-393-5260 | 416-397-6371 | |
St Mark | Elementary | 45 Cloverhill Rd Etobicoke ON M8Y 1T4 | 416-393-5332 | 416-393-5382 | |
Marshall McLuhan | Secondary | 1107 Avenue Road Toronto ON M5N 3B1 | 416-393-5561 | 416-393-5499 | |
St Martha | Elementary | 1865 Sheppard Avenue West Downsview ON M3L 1Y5 | 416-393-5344 | 416-397-6321 | |
St Martin de Porres | Elementary | 230 Morningside Avenue West Hill ON M1E 3E1 | 416-393-5286 | 416-393-5574 | |
St Mary | Elementary | 20 Portugal Square Toronto ON M6J 3P2 | 416-393-5205 | 416-393-5781 | |
St Mary of the Angels | Elementary | 1477 Dufferin Street Toronto ON M6H 4C7 | 416-393-5228 | 416-393-5812 | |
Mary Ward | Secondary | 3200 Kennedy Road Scarborough ON M1V 3S8 | 416-393-5544 | 416-393-5768 | |
St Mary`s Secondary | Secondary | 66 Dufferin Park Avenue Toronto ON M6H 1J6 | 416-393-5528 | 416-393-5498 | |
St Matthew | Elementary | 18 Lavender Road Toronto ON M6N 2B5 | 416-393-5240 | 416-397-6101 | |
St Matthias | Elementary | 101 Van Horne Avenue Willowdale ON M2J 2S8 | 416-393-5357 | 416-393-5168 | |
St Maurice | Elementary | 45 Kingsview Boulevard Weston ON M9R 1T7 | 416-393-5379 | 416-393-5085 | |
St Michael | Elementary | 25 Linden Street Toronto ON M4Y 1V5 | 416-393-5387 | 416-397-6057 | |
St Michael Choir (Sr) | Secondary | 67 Bond Street Toronto ON M5B 1X2 | 416-393-5518 | 416-393-5880 | |
Michael Power/St Joseph | Secondary | 105 Eringate Drive Etobicoke ON M9C 3Z7 | 416-393-5529 | 416-393-5742 | |
St Monica | Elementary | 14 Broadway Avenue Toronto ON M4P 1T4 | 416-393-5224 | 416-393-5980 | |
Mother Cabrini | Elementary | 720 Renforth Drive Etobicoke ON M9C 2N9 | 416-393-5340 | 416-393-5074 | |
Msgr Fraser (Isabella) | Alt Learn Center | 146 Isabella Street Toronto ON M4Y 1P6 | 416-393-5533 | 416-393-5912 | |
Msgr John Corrigan | Elementary | 100 Royalcrest Road Rexdale ON M9V 5B4 | 416-393-5399 | 416-393-5090 | |
Msgr Percy Johnson | Secondary | 2170 Kipling Avenue Rexdale ON M9W 4K9 | 416-393-5535 | 416-393-5900 | |
N | Nativity of Our Lord | Elementary | 35 Saffron Crescent Etobicoke ON M9C 3T8 | 416-393-5288 | 416-393-5053 |
Neil McNeil | Secondary | 127 Victoria Park Avenue Toronto ON M4E 3S2 | 416-393-5502 | 416-512-3386 | |
St Nicholas | Elementary | 33 Amarillo Drive Scarborough ON M1J 2P7 | 416-393-5308 | 416-393-5581 | |
St Nicholas of Bari | Elementary | 363 Rogers Road Toronto ON M6E 1R6 | 416-393-5355 | 416-393-5080 | |
St Norbert | Elementary | 60 Maniza Road Downsview ON M3K 1R6 | 416-393-5309 | 416-393-5187 | |
Notre Dame | Secondary | 12 Malvern Avenue Toronto ON M4E 3E1 | 416-393-5501 | 416-393-5631 | |
O | O L of the Assumption | Elementary | 125 Glenmount Avenue Toronto ON M6B 3C2 | 416-393-5265 | 416-393-5754 |
O L of Fatima | Elementary | 3176 St Clair Avenue East Scarborough ON M1L 1V6 | 416-393-5252 | 416-393-5559 | |
O L of Grace | Elementary | 121 Brimwood Boulevard Scarborough ON M1V 1E5 | 416-393-5372 | 416-393-5598 | |
O L of Guadalupe | Elementary | 3105 Don Mills Road Willowdale ON M2J 3C2 | 416-393-5342 | 416-397-6348 | |
O L of Lourdes | Elementary | 444 Sherbourne Street Toronto ON M4X 1K2 | 416-393-5221 | 416-393-5806 | |
O L of Peace | Elementary | 70 Mattice Avenue Islington ON M9B 1T6 | 416-393-5253 | 416-397-6061 | |
O L of Perpetual Help | Elementary | 1 1/2 Garfield Avenue Toronto ON M4T 1E6 | 416-393-5239 | 416-393-5818 | |
O L of Sorrows | Elementary | 32 Montgomery Road Toronto ON M8X 1Z4 | 416-393-5246 | 416-393-5031 | |
O L of Victory | Elementary | 70 Guestville Toronto ON M6N 4N3 | 416-393-5247 | 416-397-6310 | |
O L of Wisdom | Elementary | 10 Japonica Road Scarborough ON M1R 4R7 | 416-393-5273 | 416-393-5434 | |
P | St Paschal Baylon | Elementary | 15 Paschal Court Willowdale ON M2M 1X6 | 416-393-5283 | 416-229-3748 |
St Patrick Secondary | Secondary | 49 Felstead Avenue Toronto ON M4J 1G3 | 416-393-5546 | 416-397-6685 | |
St Paul | Elementary | 80 Sackville Street Toronto ON M5A 3E5 | 416-393-5204 | 416-397-6586 | |
St Philip Neri | Elementary | 20 Beverly Hills Drive Downsview ON M3L 1A1 | 416-393-5254 | 416-393-5245 | |
St Pius X | Elementary | 71 Jane Street Toronto ON M6S 3Y3 | 416-393-5237 | 416-397-6084 | |
Pope Paul | Elementary | 270 Laughton Avenue Toronto ON M6N 2X5 | 416-393-5374 | 416-393-5842 | |
Precious Blood | Elementary | 1035 Pharmacy Avenue Scarborough ON M1R 2G8 | 416-393-5258 | 416-397-6362 | |
Prince of Peace | Elementary | 255 Alton Towers Circle Scarborough ON M1V 4E7 | 416-393-5416 | 416-397-6005 | |
R | St Raphael | Elementary | 3 Gade Drive Downsview ON M3M 2K2 | 416-393-5285 | 416-393-5127 |
St Raymond | Elementary | 270 Barton Avenue Toronto ON M6G 1R4 | 416-393-5293 | 416-393-5823 | |
Regina Mundi | Elementary | 70 Playfair Avenue Toronto ON M6B 2P9 | 416-393-5362 | 416-393-5400 | |
St Rene Goupil | Elementary | 44 Port Royal Trail Scarborough ON M1V 2G8 | 416-393-5408 | 416-393-5773 | |
St Richard | Elementary | 960 Bellamy Road North Scarborough ON M1H 1H1 | 416-393-5301 | 416-397-6482 | |
St Rita | Elementary | 178 Edwin Avenue Toronto ON M6P 3Z9 | 416-393-5216 | 416-393-5803 | |
St Robert | Elementary | 70 Bainbridge Avenue Downsview ON M3H 2K2 | 416-393-5297 | 416-393-5898 | |
St Roch | Elementary | 174 Duncanwoods Drive Weston ON M9L 2E3 | 416-393-5320 | 416-393-5151 | |
St Rose Of Lima | Elementary | 3220 Lawrence Avenue East Scarborough ON M1H 1A4 | 416-393-5269 | 416-397-6006 | |
S | Sacred Heart | Elementary | 75 Hupfield Trail Scarborough ON M1B 4S3 | 416-393-5415 | 416-393-5946 |
Santa Maria | Elementary | 25 Avon Avenue Toronto ON M6N 4X8 | 416-393-5368 | 416-393-5083 | |
St Sebastian | Elementary | 717 Brock Avenue Toronto ON M6H 3P1 | 416-393-5354 | 416-393-5836 | |
Senator O`Connor | Secondary | 60 Rowena Drive Toronto ON M3A 3R2 | 416-393-5505 | 416-393-5916 | |
Senhor Santo Cristo | Elementary | 30 Humbert Street Toronto ON M6J 1M5 | 416-393-5367 | 416-393-5838 | |
St Simon | Elementary | 20 Wallasey Avenue Weston ON M9M 1E2 | 416-393-5383 | 416-397-6299 | |
Stella Maris | Elementary | 31 Ascot Avenue Toronto ON M6E 1E6 | 416-393-5371 | 416-393-5841 | |
St Stephen | Elementary | 55 Golfdown Drive Rexdale ON M9W 2H8 | 416-393-5284 | 416-397-6324 | |
St Sylvester | Elementary | 260 Silver Springs Blvd Scarborough ON M1V 1S4 | 416-393-5373 | 416-393-5600 | |
T | St Teresa | Elementary | 110 Tenth Street Toronto ON M8V 3G1 | 416-393-5266 | 416-393-5043 |
The Divine Infant | Elementary | 30 Ingleton Boulevard Scarborough ON M1V 3H7 | 416-393-5414 | 416-393-5937 | |
St Theresa Shrine | Elementary | 2665 Kingston Roard Scarborough ON M1M 1M2 | 416-393-5248 | 416-397-6492 | |
St Thomas Aquinas | Elementary | 636 Glenholme Avenue Toronto ON M6E 3G9 | 416-393-5236 | 416-397-6096 | |
St Thomas More | Elementary | 2300 Ellesmere Road Scarborough ON M1G 3M7 | 416-393-5322 | 416-397-6297 | |
St Timothy | Elementary | 25 Rochelle Crescent Willowdale ON M2J 1Y3 | 416-393-5298 | 416-397-6313 | |
Transfiguration | Elementary | 55 Ludstone Drive Weston ON M9R 2J2 | 416-393-5276 | 416-397-6075 | |
U | St Ursula | Elementary | 215 Livingston Road Scarborough ON M1E 1L8 | 416-393-5306 | 416-397-6550 |
V | Venerable John Merlini | Elementary | 123 Whitfield Avenue Weston ON M9L 1G9 | 416-393-5397 | 416-393-5947 |
St Victor | Elementary | 20 Bernadine Street Scarborough ON M1P 4M2 | 416-393-5338 | 416-393-5586 | |
St Vincent de Paul | Elementary | 116 Fermanagh Avenue Toronto ON M6R 1M2 | 416-393-5227 | 416-393-5873 | |
W | St Wilfrid | Elementary | 1685 Finch Avenue West Downsview ON M3J 2G8 | 416-393-5313 | 416-393-5143 |