교육청 소개

주 토론토 위쪽인 북쪽 지역의 학교를 운영합니다.
욕 공립 교육청이 운영하고 있는 학교에는 약 12,000명의 학생들이 있으며 현재 170개의
초등학교와 31개의 고등학교를 운영합니다.
또한 York 지역내 전체 유학생 비율이 1~2% 내외로 엄격히 제한된 만큼 중고생들은
최소 B학점이상이 되어야 입학이 가능할 정도로 학군이 좋은 곳입니다.

교육청 주소 | 36 Regatta Avenue, Richmond Hill, ON L4E 4R1 | 웹사이트 | -교육청: www.yrdsb.edu.on.ca -초중고등학교 : http://www.yrdsb.ca/Schools/Pages/default.aspx |
개설학년 | K~12학년 | 국제학생 수 | -전체 학생수: 121,092명 (초등 82,236명, 중고등 38,856명) -유학생 비율 0.5% |
학교 안내 | -초등학교 (K~8학년): 182개 -중고등학교 (9~12학년): 35개 |
학제 시스템 | Elementary (유치원~8학년), Secondary (9~12학년) |
제공서비스 | -가디언 서비스 -중/고등학생을 위한 교육청 자체 홈스테이 프로그램 |
개설프로그램 | -초, 중고등학교 풀타임 정규과정 *단기과정(World Classroom, ESL Summer English Credit, 여름영어과정) -교환학생 프로그램 -국제협력교육(ICE) |
교사:학생 비율 | - | 숙박시설 | 홈스테이 |
부모 동반 여부 | 초등학생은 부모동반 필수 (친척증빙이 가능한 경우 입학가능) |
입학시기 | 9월, 1월 입학 (유학생이 입학할 수 있는 학교는 초등학교 142개, 중고등학교 16개) |

2. 면학분위기가 매우 좋음
3. 부유층이 많이 거주하는 토론토 북쪽지역은 안전하고 학군이 좋기로 유명
4. 커뮤니티센터, 각종 편시설이 많으며 백인 캐네디언 거주비율이 높음
5. Markham 도시는 IT 산업이 매우 발달되어, IBM, AMEX등의 본사가 위치해 있으며 비즈니스 활동이 매우 활발한 도시

온타리오주에서 빠르게 성장하고 있는 도시이며 부유한 백인 가정이 많이 있습니다.
깨끗하고 조용한 주택가와 편리한 교통으로 인기가 좋습니다.
대도시 인근이라 학교 주변이 깨끗하고 조용해서 공부하기 좋은 환경입니다.
York 교육청 소속의 학교들은 대부분 좋은 시설을 보유하고 있고 온타리오주 학교
평가에서 상위에 랭킹되어 있는 학교가 많습니다.

Tel: (905) 895-5155, (416) 969-8216, Fax: (905) 895-7480, S.D.# 199
Superintendents of Schools: Dianne Hawkins, Chris Sarellas, Paul Carew

102 | Dr. J.M. Denison S.S., 9-12 (Sem) | 836-0021 | Fax: 836-7728 |
135 Bristol Rd., Newmarket L3Y 8J7 Fran Harvey (P), Josh Platt(VP), Angela Posius-Cowan(VP) | |||
105 | Huron Heights S.S., 9-12 (Sem) | 895-2384 | Fax: 895-8912 |
40 Huron Heights Dr., Newmarket L3Y 3J9 Beverley Madigan (P), Michelle Godfrey(VP), Meshell Lynch-James(VP), Michelle Kane(VP) |
107 | Keswick H.S., 9-12 (Sem) | 476-0933 | Fax: 476-0929 |
100 Biscayne Blvd., Keswick L4P 3L5 Doug Case (P), Frank Hood(VP), Mary Lawlis(VP), Elissa D'Souza(VP) |
109 | Newmarket H.S., 9-12(E)9-12(FI)(dual trk) | 895-5159 | Fax: 895-5726 |
505 Pickering Cres., Newmarket L3Y 8H1 Shawn Bredin (P), Susan Richard(VP), Karen Parris(VP) |
112 | Sir William Mulock S.S., 9-12 (Sem) | 967-1045 | Fax: 967-1054 |
705 Columbus Way, Newmarket L3X 2M7 Carmen Spiteri-Johnson (P), Rosey Mastrofrancesco(VP), Georgia Clifford(VP) |
210 | Stouffville D.S.S., 9-12 (Sem) | 640-1433 | Fax: 640-1475 |
801 Hoover Park Drive, Stouffville L4A 0A4 Reid Wilshire (P), Mirella Sanwalka(VP), Susan Maharaj(VP) |
113 | Sutton D.H.S., 9-12 (Sem) | 722-3281 | Fax: 722-8892 |
20798 Dalton Rd., Sutton West L0E 1R0 Dawn Laliberte (P), Erik Gordon(VP), Diane Vivian(VP) |

144 | Alexander Muir P.S., JK-8 | 895-9466 | Fax: 895-9413 |
75 Ford Wilson Blvd., Newmarket L3X 3G1 Richard Erdmann (P), Monica Wand(VP) | |||
123 | Armitage Village P.S., JK-8 | 853-3799 | Fax: 853-7376 |
125 Savage Rd., Newmarket L3X 1R1 Joy Lee (P), Susan Durfy(VP) | |||
230 | Ballantrae P.S., JK-8 | 640-2232 | Fax: 640-4235 |
5632 Aurora Rd., Stouffville L4A 7X4 Timothy McFadden (P) | |||
126 | Black River P.S., JK-8 | 722-5889 | Fax: 722-6017 |
5279 Black River Rd., Sutton West L0E 1R0 George Vellathottam (P), Jennifer Burt(VP) | |||
128 | Bogart P.S., JK-8 | 836-8041 | Fax: 836-1564 |
855 College Manor Dr., Newmarket L3Y 8G7 Robert Sandiford (P), Heather Stevens(VP) | |||
136 | Clearmeadow P.S., JK-8 | 868-8081 | Fax: 868-8392 |
200 Clearmeadow Blvd., Newmarket L3X 2E4 Arnis Pukitis (P), Christine Smith(VP) | |||
127 | Crossland P.S., JK-8 | 830-0500 | Fax: 830-4120 |
255 Brimson Dr., Newmarket L3X 1H8 James Flynn (P) | |||
129 | Deer Park P.S., JK-8 | 476-4185 | Fax: 476-7648 |
605 Varney Rd., Keswick L4P 3C8 Anne Kukurudza (P) | |||
131 | Denne P.S., JK-8 | 853-2303 | Fax: 853-0581 |
330 Burford St., Newmarket L3Y 6L1 Nazreen Freeman (P) | |||
138 | Fairwood P.S., JK-8 | 476-5447 | Fax: 476-4345 |
201 Fairwood Dr., Keswick L4P 3Y5 Elizabeth Davis (P), Jane Inglis(VP) | |||
438 | Glad Park P.S., JK-8(E) 1-8 | 642-0224 | Fax: 642-0471 |
300 Glad Park Ave., Stouffville L4A 1E5 Terry McElrea (P), Brenda Weafer(VP) | |||
132 | Glen Cedar P.S., JK-8 | 895-1500 | Fax: 895-8071 |
915 Wayne Dr., Newmarket L3Y 5W1 Cheryl Daniel (P) | |||
473 | Harry Bowes P.S., JK-8 | 640-9856 | Fax: 640-5143 |
90 Greenwood Road, Stouffville L4A 0N8 Robert Dixon (P), Kurt Chin(VP) | |||
134 | Holland Landing P.S., JK-8 | 836-6614 | Fax: 836-7882 |
16 Holland River Blvd., Holland Landing L9N 1C5 Matthew Biemiller (P) | |||
125 | J.L.R. Bell P.S., JK-5 | 895-2601 | Fax: 895-9184 |
121 Queen St., Newmarket L3Y 2E9 Paul De Sousa (P) | |||
137 | Jersey P.S., JK-8 | 476-7777 | Fax: 476-4961 |
176 Glenwoods Ave., Keswick L4P 3E9 Kim Wittekoek (P), Shanti Caswell(VP) | |||
141 | Keswick P.S., 1-8(FI) | 476-4377 | Fax: 476-8261 |
25 The Queensway North, Keswick L4P 1E2 Marina Cochrane (P) | |||
135 | Lake Simcoe P.S., JK-8 | 656-5970 | Fax: 656-5978 |
38 Thornlodge Dr., Keswick L4P 4A3 Angelie Barkey (P), Susan Wansbrough(VP) | |||
143 | Lakeside P.S., JK-8 | 476-8369 | Fax: 476-5434 |
213 Shorecrest Rd., Keswick L4P 1J1 Mike Carlin (P), Sandra Angell-O’Grady(VP) | |||
145 | Maple Leaf P.S., JK-8 | 895-9681 | Fax: 895-3847 |
155 Longford Dr., Newmarket L3Y 2Y7 Gord Wagner (P), Kim Taylor Reed(VP) | |||
147 | Mazo de la Roche P.S., 1-8 | 836-1032 | Fax: 836-1960 |
860 Arnold Cres., Newmarket L3Y 2E2 Michael O'Reilly (P), Linda Taglieri(VP) | |||
149 | Meadowbrook P.S., JK-8 | 895-3081 | Fax: 895-5994 |
233 Patterson St., Newmarket L3Y 3L5 Jennifer Diceman (P) | |||
153 | Morning Glory P.S., JK-8 | 705-437-1537 | F:705-437-3796 |
29478 Hwy #48, Pefferlaw L0E 1N0 Tony Lorbetskie (P), Cathi Robinson(VP) | |||
157 | Mount Albert P.S., JK-8 | 473-2940 | Fax: 473-2941 |
5488 Mount Albert Rd., Mount Albert L0G 1M0 Earl Liverance (P) | |||
465 | Oscar Peterson P.S., JK-8 | 642-1236 | Fax: 642-5938 |
850 Hoover Park Drive, Stouffville L4A 0E7 Jane MacPherson (P), Erin Cranney(VP) | |||
161 | Park Avenue P.S., JK-8 | 836-5951 | Fax: 836-8373 |
36 Sunrise St., Holland Landing L9N 1H5 Brian Harrison (P) | |||
155 | Phoebe Gilman P.S., JK-8 | 235-5136 | Fax: 235-5295 |
145 Harvest Hills Blvd., East Gwillimbury L9N 0C1 Bill Cober (P), Stephen Helston(VP) | |||
146 | Poplar Bank P.S., 1-8(FI) | 953-8995 | Fax: 953-4235 |
400 Woodspring Ave. E, Newmarket L3X 2X1 Natasha Baage (P) | |||
165 | Prince Charles P.S., JK-8 | 895-8401 | Fax: 895-9643 |
684 Srigley St., Newmarket L3Y 1W9 Mary Cousens (P) | |||
169 | Queensville P.S., JK-6 | 478-4191 | Fax: 478-4047 |
20317 Leslie St., Queensville L0G 1R0 Steven White (P), Stephanie Gilbart(VP) | |||
133 | R.L. Graham P.S., JK-8 | 476-9295 | Fax: 476-8598 |
70 Biscayne Blvd., Keswick L4P 3M8 Jill Maar (P), Susan Dickson(VP) | |||
156 | Robert Munsch P.S., JK-3 | 473-0110 | Fax: 473-0220 |
395 King St. East, Mount Albert L0G 1M0 Greg Collins (P) | |||
173 | Rogers P.S., JK-8 | 895-5441 | Fax: 895-9708 |
256 Rogers Road, Newmarket L3Y 1G6 Brian Donnelly (P) | |||
177 | Sharon P.S., JK-8 | 478-4952 | Fax: 478-1015 |
8532 Leslie St., Sharon L0G 1V0 Steven White (P), Stephanie Gilbart(VP) | |||
179 | Stonehaven E.S., JK-8 | 898-2077 | Fax: 898-3762 |
875 Stonehaven Ave., Newmarket L3X 2K3 Neil Gunathunge (P), Sara Flohil-Purves(VP) | |||
181 | Stuart Scott P.S., JK-8 | 895-8461 | Fax: 895-6781 |
247 Lorne Ave., Newmarket L3Y 4K5 Tracy Norman (P) | |||
282 | Summitview P.S., JK-8 | 640-1102 | Fax: 640-8618 |
6551 Main St., Stouffville L4A 5Z4 Melanie Duckett-Wilson (P) | |||
185 | Sutton P.S., JK-8 | 722-3782 | Fax: 722-4030 |
5147 Baseline Road, PO Box 190, Sutton L0E 1R0 Roxanne Hibberd (P), Gillian Mcdowell(VP) | |||
140 | Terry Fox P.S., JK-8 | 967-0975 | Fax: 967-1260 |
161 Sawmill Valley Drive, Newmarket L3X 2T1 Trish Hammond (P) | |||
188 | W.J. Watson P.S., JK-8 | 476-1618 | Fax: 476-5340 |
162 Carrick Ave., Keswick L4P 3P2 Leslie Crossley (P), Lynda Coghill(VP) | |||
154 | Waabgon Gamig F. N. S., JK-5 | 705-437-1529 | F:705-437-4024 |
Box N13 RR #2, Sutton West L0E 1R0 | |||
151 | Wendat Village P.S., JK-8 | 642-8095 | Fax: 640-9690 |
99 Reeves Way Blvd., Stouffville L4A 0J8 Lisa Jeremic (P), Erin Cranney(VP) | |||
288 | Whitchurch Highlands P.S., JK-8 | 888-1980 | Fax: 888-1040 |
13812 Warden Ave., Stouffville L4A 7X5 Marni Collier (P) |

Tel : (905) 884-4477, (416) 324-2902, 1-888-812-8717, Fax: (905) 508-9942, (905) 884-7116, S.D.# 299
Superintendents of Schools: Gayle Brocklebank-Vincent, Michael Cohen, Rita Russo

307 | Alexander Mackenzie H.S., 9-12(Sem) | 884-0554 | Fax: 884-4694 |
300 Major Mackenzie Dr. W., Richmond Hill L4C 3S3 Debra Conrad-Knight (P), Jay Perri(VP), Otilia Olteanu(VP) | |||
202 | Aurora H.S., 9-12 (Sem/Dual)(dual trk) | 727-3107 | Fax: 727-5804 |
155 Wellington St. W., Aurora L4G 2P4 Maria Maiato (P), John Sebastiano(VP), Barbara Caravella(VP) |
303 | Bayview S.S., 9-12(Sem)IB(11-12) | 884-4453 | Fax: 770-3580 |
10077 Bayview Ave., Richmond Hill L4C 2L4 Alex Corry (P), Louis Lim(VP), Teresa Steel(VP), Arlene Higgins-Wright(VP) |
218 | Dr. G.W. Williams S.S., 9-12 (Sem) | 727-3131 | Fax: 727-8067 |
39 Dunning Ave., Aurora L4G 1A2 Christopher Hilmer (P), Helga Curry(VP), Vaea Yula Nouragas(VP) | |||
206 | King City S.S., 9-12 (Sem) | 833-5332 | Fax: 833-3750 |
2001 King Rd., King City L7B 1K2 Tod Dungey (P), Melissa Schmidt(VP), Theresa Meikle(VP) |
311 | Langstaff S.S., 9-12 (Sem)(dual trk) | 889-6266 | Fax: 889-6676 |
106 Garden Ave., Richmond Hill L4C 6M1 Richard Cherry (P), Cecilia Piques(VP), Laura Marotta(VP) |
201 | Richmond Green S.S., 9-12 (Sem) | 780-7858 | Fax: 780-1154 |
1 William F. Bell Parkway, Richmond Hill L4S 2T9 Rose Li (P), Sonya Borrell(VP), Michael Grieve(VP) |
316 | Richmond Hill H.S., 9-12 (Sem) | 884-2131 | Fax: 884-9653 |
201 Yorkland St., Richmond Hill L4S 1A2 Sandra Haliburton (P), Diana Smith(VP), Aline Daniel(VP) |

227 | Adrienne Clarkson P.S., 1-8 | 709-3554 | Fax: 709-1069 |
68 Queens College Drive, Richmond Hill L4B 1X3 Ramon Andrade (P), Eileen Berg(VP) | |||
223 | Aurora Grove P.S., JK-8(E)Gr1(FI) | 727-4435 | Fax: 726-9593 |
415 Stone Road, Aurora L4G 6Z5 Donna Ford (P) | |||
222 | Aurora Heights P.S., JK-8 | 727-6902 | Fax: 727-3682 |
85 Tecumseh Dr., Aurora L4G 2X5 Nancy Redman (P) | |||
226 | Aurora Senior P.S., 4-8 | 727-9751 | Fax: 727-1811 |
125 Wellington St. W., Aurora L4G 2P3 Ken Arnott (P), Claudia Fischer(VP) | |||
329 | Bayview Hill E.S., JK-8 | 508-0806 | Fax: 508-6119 |
81 Strathearn Ave., Richmond Hill L4B 2J5 Carol Takagi (P), Jennifer Branch(VP) | |||
323 | Beverley Acres P.S., 4-8 | 884-5059 | Fax: 884-9982 |
283 Neal Dr., Richmond Hill L4C 3L3 Yana Ioffe (P), Jane Paterson(VP) | |||
249 | Beynon Fields P.S., 1-8 | 508-7060 | Fax: 508-5962 |
258 Selwyn Rd., Richmond Hill L4E 0R9 Anna Marchetti-Landry (P), Heather Levitt(VP) | |||
248 | Bond Lake P.S., JK - 8 | 313-8693 | Fax: 313-0687 |
245 Old Colony Road, Richmond Hill L4E 5B9 Kim Smith (P), Jennifer Walsh(VP) | |||
327 | Charles Howitt P.S., JK-8 | 889-2522 | Fax: 889-9694 |
30 Pearson Ave., Richmond Hill L4C 6T7 Timothy Gervais (P) | |||
331 | Crosby Heights P.S., JK-8 | 884-5281 | Fax: 884-7208 |
190 Neal Dr., Richmond Hill L4C 3K8 Paul Valle (P), Patricia Dynes(VP) | |||
234 | Devins Drive P.S., JK-8(E)Gr1(FI) | 727-2022 | Fax: 727-9369 |
70 Devins Dr., Aurora L4G 2Z4 Tracey Davies (P) | |||
333 | Doncrest P.S., JK-8 | 882-4480 | Fax: 882-4558 |
124 Blackmore Ave., Richmond Hill L4B 2B1 Asha Rathod (P), Ruth Carmichael(VP) | |||
238 | George Street P.S., JK-3 | 727-4921 | Fax: 727-1697 |
115 George St., Aurora L4G 2S3 Ken Arnott (P), Claudia Fischer(VP) | |||
322 | H.G. Bernard P.S., JK-8 | 508-7009 | Fax: 508-0047 |
245 Bernard Ave., Richmond Hill L4S 1E1 Stephen Hopkins (P), Megan Roberts(VP) | |||
245 | Hartman P.S., JK-8 | 727-5938 | Fax: 727-9035 |
130 River Ridge Blvd., Aurora L4G 7T7 Tim Dunn (P), Elizabeth Lue-Kim(VP) | |||
239 | Highview P.S., JK-8 | 727-6642 | Fax: 727-2959 |
240 McClellan Way, Aurora L4G 6N9 Deborah Snow (P) | |||
247 | Kettle Lakes P.S., JK-8 | 313-8406 | Fax: 313-8412 |
62 Kingshill Road, Richmond Hill L4E 4X5 Arlene Potashner (P), Christine Reeves(VP) | |||
242 | Kettleby P.S., JK-8 | 727-9852 | Fax: 727-3892 |
3286 Lloydtown-Aurora Rd., Kettleby L7B 0H4 Karen Goan (P) |
250 | King City P.S., JK-8 | 833-5115 | Fax: 833-0482 |
25 King Boulevard, King City L7B 1K9 Sue Milne (P) |
252 | Lake Wilcox P.S., JK-8 | 773-5381 | Fax: 773-6238 |
80 Wildwood Ave., Richmond Hill L4E 3B5 Lynda Hill (P), Leon Barton(VP) |
253 | Lester B. Pearson P.S., 3-8(FI) | 841-3030 | Fax: 841-3493 |
15 Odin Cres., Aurora L4G 3T3 Arin Otis (P), Rachel Hamou(VP) |
243 | MacLeod’s Landing P.S., JK-8 | 398-7945 | Fax: 398-0842 |
195 Silver Maple Rd., Richmond Hill L4E 4Z1 Brad Derry (P), Nadia Russiello(VP) |
244 | Michaëlle Jean P.S., 1-3 | 770-6507 | Fax: 770-9336 |
320 Shirley Drive, Richmond Hill L4S 2P1 Clelia Della-Rovere (P), Jennifer Anderson(VP) |
241 | Moraine Hills P.S., JK-8 | 292-0530 | Fax: 292-8840 |
85 Rollinghill Rd., Richmond Hill L4E 4C7 Marisa Cerullo (P), Shari Elms(VP) |
262 | Nobleton P.S., JK-8 | 859-4590 | Fax: 859-0638 |
13375 Hwy. 27, Nobleton L0G 1N0 Fiona Allan (P) |
235 | Northern Lights P.S., JK-8 | 727-4224 | Fax: 727-3845 |
40 Bridgenorth Dr., Aurora L4G 7S6 Jeff Laughlin (P), Melissa King(VP) |
355 | O.M. MacKillop P.S., JK-8 | 884-5711 | Fax: 884-1282 |
206 Lucas St., Richmond Hill L4C 4P7 Jacqueline Linton (P) |
268 | Oak Ridges P.S., JK-8 | 773-5572 | Fax: 773-0228 |
160 Coon's Rd., Richmond Hill L4E 2P7 Barbara Nemoy (P), Lorraine Doran(VP) |
367 | Pleasantville P.S., JK-8 | 884-7431 | Fax: 884-2045 |
400 Mill St., Richmond Hill L4C 4B9 Heather Schreider (P) |
224 | Red Maple P.S., JK-8 | 771-6157 | Fax: 771-5008 |
155 Red Maple Rd., Richmond Hill L4B 4P9 Corey Trute (P), Christine Reeves(VP) |
232 | Redstone P.S., JK-8 | 508-1073 | Fax: 508-6419 |
235 Redstone Road, Richmond Hill L4S 2E2 Diana Dal Bello (P), Jennifer Anderson(VP) |
274 | Regency Acres P.S., JK-8 | 727-9811 | Fax: 727-5109 |
123 Murray Dr., Aurora L4G 2C7 Caterina Martino-Porretta (P) |
276 | Richmond Rose P.S., JK-8 | 737-4311 | Fax: 737-3820 |
160 Frank Endean Rd., Richmond Hill L4S 1S7 Shannon Philp (P), Jean Rudman(VP) |
251 | Rick Hansen P.S., JK-8 | 841-6225 | Fax: 841-8025 |
490 Mavrinac Boulevard, Aurora L4G 0J6 Steve Gardner (P) |
371 | Roselawn P.S., 5-8 | 884-5934 | Fax: 884-6349 |
422 Carrville Rd., Richmond Hill L4C 6E6 Sandra Fraser (P) |
375 | Ross Doan P.S., JK-4 | 884-4022 | Fax: 884-4025 |
101 Weldrick Rd. W., Richmond Hill L4C 3T9 Bernadette Smith (P) |
278 | Schomberg P.S., JK-6 | 939-7711 | Fax: 939-4690 |
21 Main St., Schomberg L0G 1T0 Catherine Pennington (P) |
376 | Silver Pines P.S., JK-8 | 508-7303 | Fax: 508-7351 |
112 Stave Cres., Richmond Hill L4C 9J2 Lindsey Diakiw (P), Sherry Zarif(VP) |
225 | Silver Stream P.S., JK-8 | 508-5696 | Fax: 508-7513 |
180 Farmstead Rd., Richmond Hill L4S 2K9 Judy Maclachlan-Dow (P), Ann Gnoinski(VP) |
379 | Sixteenth Avenue P.S., JK-8 | 884-5598 | Fax: 884-3351 |
400 Sixteenth Avenue, Richmond Hill L4C 7A9 Mark Breadner (P), Andrea Welburn(VP) |
237 | Trillium Woods P.S., JK-8 | 508-5215 | Fax: 508-1812 |
18 Alamo Heights Dr., Richmond Hill L4S 2P3 Gillian Patrick (P), Laura Sedgwick(VP) |
383 | Walter Scott P.S., JK-8 | 884-2693 | Fax: 884-8645 |
500 Major Mackenzie Dr. E., Richmond Hill L4C 1J2 Kimberly Maybury (P), Deanna Durfy(VP) |
228 | Windham Ridge P.S., 1-8 | 773-5443 | Fax: 773-3451 |
32 Red Cardinal Trail, Richmond Hill L4E 3Y4 Veronique O'Malley (P), Douglas Chester(VP) |

Tel: (905) 940-7800, Fax: (905) 940-6525, S.D.# 399
Superintendents of Schools: Dr. Lisa Walsh, Daniel Wu, Rashmi Swarup

410 | Bill Crothers S.S., 9-12 | 477-8503 | Fax: 477-7815 |
44 Main Street, Unionville L3R 2E4 Rose Walker (P), Cindy Ranieri(VP), Dan Gillis(VP) | |||
402 | Bur Oak S.S., 9-12 (Sem) | 202-1234 | Fax: 202-1236 |
933 Bur Oak Ave., Markham L6E 1G4 George Voumvakis (P), Ron Zoratto(VP), Andrew Angus(VP), Suelyn Cheong(VP) |
404 | Markham D.H.S., 9-12 (Non-Sem) | 294-1886 | Fax: 294-8141 |
89 Church St., Markham L3P 2M3 Simon Schreiber (P), Corey McArthur(VP), Deanna Heron(VP) |
407 | Markville S.S., 9-12 (Sem) | 940-8840 | Fax: 940-8895 |
000 Carlton Rd., Markham L3P 7P5 Stephen Bewcyk (P), Vanessa Wonnacott(VP), Patricia Obadia(VP) |
405 | Middlefield C.I., 9-12 (Sem) | 472-8900 | Fax: 472-0956 |
525 Highglen Ave., Markham L3S 3L5 Janani Pathy (P), George Tsigaridis (VP), Ranjit Gill(VP), Kirsty Irvine(VP) |
406 | Milliken Mills H.S., 9-12 (Sem) | 477-0072 | Fax: 477-6858 |
7522 Kennedy Rd., Unionville L3R 9S5 Catherine McGinley (P), Coretta Sampson(VP), Kandeephan Ganeshalingam(VP) |
403 | Pierre Elliott Trudeau H.S.,9-12(Sem)(DualTra-2c2k) | 887-2216 | Fax: 887-7783 |
90 Bur Oak Ave., Markham L6C 2E6 Debbie Linkewich (P), Paull Simmons(VP), Pina Viscomi(VP), Dawn Imada-Chan(VP) |
416 | Unionville H.S., 9-12 (Sem) | 479-2787 | Fax: 479-1539 |
201 Town Centre Blvd., Unionville L3R 8G5 Maureen Weaver (P), Krista Pummell(VP), Vincent Chow(VP) |

422 | Aldergrove P.S., JK-8 | 470-2227 | Fax: 470-9810 |
150 Aldergrove Dr., Unionville L3R 6Z8 Jeewan Chanicka (P), Kevin Merkley(VP) | |||
423 | Armadale P.S., JK-8 | 472-4050 | Fax: 472-4299 |
11 Coppard Ave., Markham L3S 2J4 Jay Wolkoff (P), Fawzia Durrani(VP) |
426 | Ashton Meadows P.S., JK-8 | 887-2656 | Fax: 887-2684 |
230 Calvert Rd., Markham L6C 1T5 Calvin Darby (P), Janice Perera(VP) |
478 | Beckett Farm P.S., JK-8 | 289-746-3276 | F:905-534-2334 |
78 Beckett Ave., Unionville L6C 0T3 Michael Matt (P) |
476 | Black Walnut P.S., JK-8 | 471-1119 | Fax: 471-6413 |
30 John Allan Cameron Street, Markham L6B 0P4 Doug Wilton (P), Blair Pike(VP), Janice Fenwick(VP) |
427 | Boxwood P.S., JK-8 | 294-5563 | Fax: 294-1452 |
30 Boxwood Cres., Markham L3S 3P7 Catherine Arnold (P), Dane Lawrence-Prince(VP) |
421 | Buttonville P.S., JK-8 | 513-9880 | Fax: 513-1755 |
141 John Button Blvd., Markham L3R 9C2 Lori Higgins (P), Shelley Jones(VP) |
435 | Castlemore P.S., JK-8 | 887-1543 | Fax: 887-3849 |
256 Ridgecrest Road, Markham L6C 2R5 Farooq Shabbar (P), Heather Purcell(VP) |
443 | Cedarwood P.S., JK-8 | 294-5756 | Fax: 294-3453 |
399 Elson St., Markham L3S 4R8 Paul Battler (P), Padmini Padiachy(VP) |
431 | Central Park P.S., JK-8 | 940-1444 | Fax: 940-1455 |
100 Central Park Dr., Markham L3P 7G2 Alison Hall (P), Joanne Lomanno-Aprile(VP) |
430 | Coledale P.S., JK-8 | 940-0123 | Fax: 940-9760 |
60 Coledale Rd., Markham L3R 7W8 Stephen Young (P), Pamela Miller(VP) |
437 | Coppard Glen P.S., JK-8(E)Gr1(FI) | 471-0419 | Fax: 471-0942 |
131 Coppard Ave., Markham L3S 2T5 Mary Salvarinas (P), Teresa Evans(VP) |
445 | Cornell Village P.S., JK-8 | 471-1694 | Fax: 471-4212 |
186 Country Glen Rd., Markham L6B 1B5 Erin Hudson (P), Scott Richards(VP) |
469 | David Suzuki P.S., JK-8 | 209-0435 | Fax: 209-0847 |
45 Riverwalk Drive, Markham L6B 0L9 Yvonne West (P), Shelley Anand(VP) |
470 | Donald Cousens P.S., JK-8 | 202-8120 | Fax: 202-8121 |
315 Mingay Avenue, Markham L6E 1T5 Tracey Cox (P), Robin Cockburn(VP) |
433 | Edward T. Crowle P.S., JK-8 | 471-5775 | Fax: 471-1087 |
15 Larkin Ave., Markham L3P 4P8 Ghada Sadaka (P) |
459 | Ellen Fairclough P.S., JK-8 | 294-9455 | Fax: 294-6726 |
33 Brando Avenue, Markham L3S 4K9 Mohamed Hamid (P) |
436 | Franklin Street P.S., JK-8(E) 1-8 | 294-3562 | Fax: 294-6665 |
21 Franklin St., Markham L3P 2S7 Cathy Hughes (P), Shawna Stanleigh(VP) |
447 | Greensborough P.S., JK-8 | 472-3474 | Fax: 472-1052 |
80 Alfred Paterson Drive, Markham L6E 1J5 Jim Spiers (P), Carolyn Brndiar(VP) |
446 | Highgate P.S., JK-8 | 477-1019 | Fax: 477-9399 |
35 Highgate Dr., Markham L3R 3R5 Lisa Stover (P), Dane Lawrence-Prince(VP) |
448 | James Robinson P.S., JK-8 | 294-3484 | Fax: 294-4626 |
90 Robinson St., Markham L3P 1N9 Lara Chebaro (P) |
458 | John McCrae P.S., JK-8 | 294-9122 | Fax: 294-8196 |
565 Fred McLaren Blvd., Markham L6E 1N7 Lori Hall (P), Lindsey Rhamey(VP) |
471 | Legacy P.S., JK-8 | 472-4764 | Fax: 472-2322 |
61 Russell Jarvis Dr., Markham L3S 4B1 Laura Ryckman (P), Jeffrey Demacio(VP) |
453 | Lincoln Alexander P.S., JK-8 | 284-4513 | Fax: 284-8242 |
38 Hillmount Road, Markham L6C 2H4 Brenda Burton (P), Pamela Miller(VP) |
463 | Little Rouge P.S., JK-8 | 202-5960 | Fax: 202-5964 |
571 Country Glen Rd., Markham L6B 1E8 Nancy Dodds (P) |
429 | Markham Gateway P.S., JK-8 | 472-3303 | Fax: 472-5536 |
30 Fonda Road, Markham L3S 3X3 Gary Young (P), Rima Ishtiaque(VP) |
451 | Milliken Mills P.S., JK-8(E)2-8(FI) | 475-8143 | Fax: 475-3264 |
289 Risebrough Circuit, Unionville L3R 3J3 Catarina Burisch (P) |
467 | Mount Joy P.S., JK-8 | 202-1684 | Fax: 202-0477 |
281 Williamson Rd., Markham L6E 1X1 Ken Pettigrew (P), Christina DiStefano(VP) |
439 | Parkland P.S., JK-8 | 472-8536 | Fax: 472-8538 |
18 Coxworth Ave., Markham L3S 3B8 Lisa Leoni (P), Susan Palmer(VP) |
452 | Parkview P.S., JK-8 | 477-2172 | Fax: 477-9352 |
22 Fonthill Blvd., Unionville L3R 1V6 Lisa Dilworth (P), Penny Lam(VP) |
454 | Ramer Wood P.S., JK-8 | 471-6512 | Fax: 471-2245 |
11 Cairns Dr., Markham L3P 7M8 Kelli Coté (P) |
455 | Randall P.S., JK-8 | 479-2003 | Fax: 479-2005 |
50 Randall Ave., Markham L3S 1E2 Sherri Sengupta (P), David Valentim(VP) |
456 | Reesor Park P.S., JK-8 | 294-6558 | Fax: 294-7722 |
69 Wootten Way North, Markham L3P 2Y5 Kevin Ko (P), Carolyn Brndiar(VP) |
460 | Roy H. Crosby P.S., JK-6 | 294-2910 | Fax: 294-2918 |
115 Drakefield Rd., Markham L3P 1G9 Brenda Manning (P) |
474 | Sam Chapman P.S., 1-8(FI) | 472-8374 | Fax: 472-7912 |
270 Alfred Paterson Drive, Markham L6E 2G1 Deborah Joyce (P), Karl Walters(VP) |
475 | Sir John A. Macdonald P.S., JK-8(E)Gr1(FI) | 888-5777 | Fax: 927-2082 |
45 Murison Drive, Markham L6C 0J4 Greig Black (P), Jennifer Cowley(VP) |
462 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier P.S., 2-8 | 927-1452 | Fax: 927-9591 |
160 Hazelton Ave., Markham L6C 3H6 Laurie Finn (P), Craig Barton(VP) |
441 | Stonebridge P.S., JK-8 | 887-2427 | Fax: 887-7841 |
168 Stonebridge Dr., Markham L6C 2Z8 Yvonne Chan (P), Tina Diavolitsis(VP) |
449 | Unionville Meadows P.S., JK-8 | 479-4795 | Fax: 479-1105 |
355 South Unionville Avenue, Markham L3R 5C8 Leeanne Hughes-Fernandes (P), Marion Ahrens(VP) |
480 | Unionville P.S., JK-8 | 477-1824 | Fax: 477-5745 |
300 Main St., Unionville L3R 2H2 Helen Hart (P), Shelley Jones(VP) |
482 | Wilclay P.S., JK-8 | 470-1447 | Fax: 470-1045 |
60 Wilclay Ave., Markham L3S 1R4 Nan Mantle (P), Maureen Daly(VP) |
484 | William Armstrong P.S., JK-8 | 294-1262 | Fax: 294-9317 |
11 Major Buttons Dr., Markham L3P 3G6 Paul Oabel (P) |
486 | William Berczy P.S., JK-8 | 477-2047 | Fax: 477-2373 |
120 Carlton Rd., Unionville L3R 1Z9 Kathy Lott (P), David Williams(VP) |
442 | Wismer P.S., JK-8 | 471-5526 | Fax: 471-6265 |
171 Mingay Ave., Markham L6E 1H8 Rory Sullivan (P), Thang Tran(VP) |

Tel: (905) 764-6830, Fax: (905) 764-0261, S.D.# 499
Superintendents of Schools: Jackie Young, Becky Green, Clayton LaTouche

314 | Emily Carr S.S., 9-12 (Sem) | 850-5012 | Fax: 850-7591 |
4901 Rutherford Rd., Woodbridge L4H 3C2 Paolo Burzese (P), Lisa Weekes(VP), Michael Vlachopoulos(VP) | |||
313 | Maple H.S., 9-12 (Sem) | 417-9444 | Fax: 417-9022 |
50 Springside Rd., Maple L6A 2W5 Lois Agard (P), Shawn Perry(VP), Maria Luongo-Cassar(VP) |
318 | Stephen Lewis S.S., 9-12 (Sem) | 326-7994 | Fax: 326-8136 |
555 Autumn Hill Blvd., Thornhill L4J 8X2 Kenneth Shigeishi (P), Mirza Baig(VP), Deborah Ziegler(VP) |
408 | Thornhill S.S., 9-12 (Sem) | 889-5453 | Fax: 889-0360 |
167 Dudley Ave., Thornhill L3T 2E5 David McAdam (P), Sandy Kofalvi(VP), Michelle Randall(VP) |
412 | Thornlea S.S., 9-12 (Sem)(dual trk) | 889-9696 | Fax: 889-2991 |
8075 Bayview Ave., Thornhill L3T 4N4 Joseph Foti (P), Janet Atkinson(VP), Kimberley Tavares(VP) |
308 | Tommy Douglas S.S., 9-10 | 289-342-0001 | |
4020 Major Mackenzie Drive, Woodbridge L4L 1A6 Ann Pace (P), Fraser Scott(VP) |
317 | Vaughan S.S., 9-12(E)9-12(FI)(dual trk) | 660-1397 | Fax: 660-0318 |
1401 Clark Ave. W., Thornhill L4J 7R4 Laura Leesti (P), Stewart Todd(VP), Lynn Borlack(VP) |
414 | Westmount C.I., 9-12 (Sem) | 882-0277 | Fax: 882-2450 |
1000 New Westminster Dr., Thornhill L4J 8G3 Sheri Epstein (P), Sheldon Zelsman(VP), Lisa Wargo(VP) |
319 | Woodbridge College, 9-12 (Sem) | 851-2843 | Fax: 851-4120 |
71 Bruce St., Woodbridge L4L 1J3 Aldrin Fernando (P), Joycelin Brown(VP), Antonietta Grieco(VP) |

357 | Anne Frank P.S., JK-8 | 289-342-1001 | F:289-553-5642 |
431 Ilan Ramon Blvd., Maple L6A 0X2 Aneta Fishman (P) | |||
330 | Bakersfield P.S., JK-8 | 731-8227 | Fax: 731-8161 |
121 Mistysugar Trail, Thornhill L4J 8T6 Malcolm Richmon (P), Janet Giberson(VP) |
424 | Baythorn P.S., JK-8 | 889-7992 | Fax: 889-8554 |
201 Baythorn Dr., Thornhill L3T 3V2 Kate Kurek (P), Jennifer Rosenberg(VP) |
428 | Bayview Fairways P.S., JK-8 | 889-1858 | Fax: 889-1901 |
255 Bayview Fairways Dr., Thornhill L3T 2Z6 Judith Goldberg (P) |
432 | Bayview Glen P.S., JK-6 | 889-2448 | Fax: 889-2578 |
42 Limcombe Dr., Thornhill L3T 2V5 Harald Grammenos (P) |
325 | Blue Willow P.S., JK-8 | 851-0043 | Fax: 851-0890 |
250 Blue Willow Dr., Woodbridge L4L 9E1 Rhonda Polisuk (P), Lorellie Munson(VP) |
221 | Brownridge P.S., JK-8 | 660-3083 | Fax: 660-9462 |
65 Brownridge Dr., Thornhill L4J 7R8 Deborah Mida (P), Pamela McInnis(VP) |
349 | Carrville Mills P.S., JK-8 | 709-2646 | Fax: 709-6409 |
270 Apple Blossom Drive, Thornhill L4J 8W5 Andrew Locker (P), Meytal Daniels(VP) |
233 | Charlton P.S., JK-8 | 738-5497 | Fax: 738-1397 |
121 Joseph Aaron Blvd., Thornhill L4J 6J5 Ritchie McNaughton (P) |
328 | Discovery P.S., JK-8 | 417-1622 | Fax: 417-1612 |
120 Discovery Trail, Maple L6A 2Z2 Greg McClelland (P), Sherry Shahbod(VP) |
350 | Dr. Roberta Bondar P.S., JK-8 | 417-8046 | Fax: 417-8492 |
401 Grand Trunk Ave., Maple L6A 0T4 Sonia Sahota (P), Joe Gold(VP) |
468 | E.J. Sand P.S., JK-8 | 889-2753 | Fax: 889-1098 |
160 Henderson Ave., Thornhill L3T 2L5 Cynthia Sneath (P) |
324 | Elder's Mills P.S., 1-5(FI) | 893-1631 | Fax: 893-7371 |
120 Napa Valley Avenue, Woodbridge L4H 1L1 Kimberly Lefevre-Walke (P) |
334 | Forest Run P.S., JK-8 | 417-9227 | Fax: 417-9105 |
200 Forest Run Blvd., Maple L4K 5H3 Vincent Anania (P), Josephine O’Hara(VP) |
340 | Fossil Hill P.S., JK-8 | 653-8055 | Fax: 653-8063 |
2 Firenza Drive, Woodbridge L4H 2P5 Scott Chin (P), Heather Gollob(VP) |
440 | German Mills P.S., JK-8 | 889-8776 | Fax: 889-8725 |
61 Simonston Blvd., Thornhill L3T 4R5 Krysten Cameron (P) |
337 | Glen Shields P.S., JK-8 | 738-0333 | Fax: 738-8058 |
158 Glen Shields Ave., Thornhill L4K 1T8 Andre Medina (P), Maria Oppedisano(VP) |
358 | Glenn Gould P.S., JK-8 | 417-4517 | Fax: 417-4540 |
675 Vellore Park Avenue, Woodbridge L4H 0G5 Debbie Williams (P), Patricia Yeates(VP) |
444 | Henderson Avenue P.S., JK-8 | 889-3132 | Fax: 889-9953 |
66 Henderson Ave., Thornhill L3T 2K7 Alexander Pancharovski (P) |
353 | Herbert H. Carnegie P.S., JK-8 | 417-0211 | Fax: 417-8082 |
575 Via Romano Boulevard, Maple L6A 0G1 Sheila MacRae (P), Sean Yao(VP) |
450 | Johnsview Village P.S., JK-8 | 881-3360 | Fax: 881-4291 |
41 Porterfield Cres., Thornhill L3T 5C3 Gwendolyn Emmerson (P) |
343 | Joseph A. Gibson P.S., JK-8(E)Gr1(FI) | 832-1291 | Fax: 832-5014 |
50 Naylon St., Maple L6A 1R8 Hanada Kardassopoulos (P) |
345 | Julliard P.S., 2-8(FI) | 832-3311 | Fax: 832-2400 |
61 Julliard Drive, Maple L6A 3W7 Claire Levy-Freedman (P), Anita Mcquarrie(VP) |
347 | Kleinburg P.S., JK-8 | 893-1142 | Fax: 893-3500 |
10391 Islington Ave, Kleinburg L0J 1C0 Gregory Morandi (P), Patricia Yeates(VP) |
341 | Lorna Jackson P.S., JK-8 | 893-2829 | Fax: 893-8505 |
589 Napa Valley Ave., Woodbridge L4H 1R1 Mona Bongard (P), Elizabeth Lau(VP) |
338 | Louis-Honore Frechette P.S., 1-8 | 738-1724 | Fax: 738-4226 |
40 New Westminster Dr., Thornhill L4J 7Z8 Angie Furlin (P), Eugenia Korinis(VP) |
336 | Mackenzie Glen P.S., JK-8 | 417-9771 | Fax: 417-9123 |
575 Melville Ave., Maple L6A 2M4 Belal Taha (P), Andrea Rye(VP) |
332 | Maple Creek P.S., JK-8 | 417-9177 | Fax: 417-9128 |
210 Hawker Rd., Maple L6A 2J8 Rita Angellotti (P), Carol Pink(VP) |
326 | Michael Cranny E.S., JK-8 | 832-4922 | Fax: 832-0807 |
155 Melville Ave., Maple L6A 1Y9 Dennis Rossi (P), Orlie Soroka(VP) |
361 | Nellie McClung P.S. | 303-8113 | Fax: 303-9914 |
360 Thomas Cook Avenue, Maple L6A 4M1 Wendy Thompson (P), Candice Schlosser(VP) |
356 | Pierre Berton P.S. | 303-4540 | Fax: 303-3665 |
470 Via Campanile, City of Vaughan, Woodbridge L4H 0X9 Wendy McVicar-Lew (P), Orlie Soroka(VP) |
363 | Pine Grove P.S., JK-8 | 850-0672 | Fax: 850-3869 |
86 Gamble St., Woodbridge L4L 1R2 Brian Fisher (P), Athena Loopstra(VP) |
370 | Rosedale Heights P.S., JK-8 | 882-1864 | Fax: 882-6932 |
300 Rosedale Heights, Thornhill L4J 6Y8 Arthur Birenbaum (P), Karen Birnie(VP) |
472 | Stornoway Crescent P.S., JK-6 | 889-9535 | Fax: 889-6407 |
36 Stornoway Cres., Thornhill L3T 3X7 Lucy Giannotta (P), Tonya Vokey-Young(VP) |
342 | Teston Village P.S., JK-8 | 417-0555 | Fax: 417-8368 |
80 Murray Farm Lane, Maple L6A 3G1 Rick Rosemin (P), Jeff Foran(VP) |
381 | Thornhill P.S., JK-8 | 889-1566 | Fax: 889-2791 |
7554 Yonge St., Thornhill L4J 1V8 Alexander Gord (P) |
346 | Thornhill Woods P.S., JK-8 | 326-8626 | Fax: 326-8057 |
341 Thornhill Woods Drive, Thornhill L4J 8V6 Lynne Cohen (P), Julia De Rose(VP) |
321 | Vellore Woods P.S., JK-8 | 417-9211 | Fax: 417-9125 |
115 Starling Blvd., Woodbridge L4H 2T9 Shawna Gates (P), Elizabeth Lau(VP) |
382 | Ventura Park P.S., 1-5(FI) | 707-6488 | Fax: 707-9319 |
121 Worth Blvd., Thornhill L4J 7V5 Kimberley Wagner (P), Rosanna Totino(VP) |
385 | Westminster P.S., JK-8 | 731-2963 | Fax: 731-4863 |
366 Mullen Dr., Thornhill L4J 2P3 Micheline Joseph (P) |
487 | Willowbrook P.S., JK-8 | 886-0743 | Fax: 886-1063 |
45 Willowbrook Rd., Thornhill L3T 4X6 Lucy Giannotta (P), Tonya Vokey-Young(VP) |
384 | Wilshire E.S., JK-8 | 889-6767 | Fax: 889-3311 |
265 Beverley Glen Blvd., Thornhill L4J 7S8 Mark McTaggart (P), Pamela McInnis(VP) |
387 | Woodbridge P.S., JK-8 | 851-0102 | Fax: 851-4707 |
60 Burwick Ave., Woodbridge L4L 1J7 Angelina Faraone (P), Gregory Brown(VP) |
488 | Woodland P.S., 3-8(FI) | 889-4910 | Fax: 889-6287 |
120 Royal Orchard Boulevard, Thornhill L3T 3C9 Nandy Palmer (P) |
388 | Yorkhill E.S., JK-8(E)1-2(FI) | 764-5292 | Fax: 764-5294 |
350 Hilda Ave., Thornhill L4J 5K2 Nereo Bonomo (P), Karen Birnie(VP) |