KIP-Aston University KIP-Bournemouth University KIP-City, University of London KIP-Cranfield University KIP-Glasgow International College KIP-London KIP-Nottingham Trent University KIP-Pace University KIP-Quinnipiac KIP-Sheffield International College KIP-Singapore KIP-TEDI London KIP-The University of Nottingham KIP-University of Aberdeen KIP-University of Alberta KIP-University of Birmingham KIP-University of Brighton KIP-University of Bristol KIP-University of Bristol KIP-University of Connecticut KIP-University of Essex KIP-University of Glasgow KIP-University of Liverpool KIP-University of Nottingham KIP-University of Oregon KIP-University of Salford KIP-University of Sheffield KIP-University of Southampton KIP-University of the West of English (UWE) Bristol KIP-University of Tulsa KIP-University of Victoria KIP-University of Westminster KIP-University of York
BSML (Boston School of Modern Languages) Approach International Student Center Boston Academy of English Boston Trinity Academy Boston University Boston University Academy Boston University-CELOP Bunker Hill Community College CCN-Cross Cultural Networks CEG-CATS Academy Boston CEG-Oncampus Boston CEG-Suffolk University CEG-Wheelock College Computer Systems Institute Cushing Academy EC-Boston Educatius International Educatius International EF-Boston ELC-Boston ELS-Boston Downtown ELS-Mount Ida College Embassy English-Boston Downtown FLS-Boston Commons Fontbonne Academy Hillside School Hult International Business School INTO-Suffolk University KIC-Northeastern Downtown KIE-Boston Fenway KIE-Harvard Square Kings College-Boston KIP-Northeastern University KIP-Simmons University LAL-Boston LSI-Boston Navitas-UMass Boston NESE Newman School Northeastern University OHC-Boston OISE-Boston SC/GEOS-Boston Shorelight-AC Live (American Collegiate Live) Shorelight-University of Massachusetts, Boston Shorelight-University of Massachusetts, Boston St. Joseph Preparatory High School Stafford House-Boston TALK - Boston TLC-Boston