[A focus on... English Plus Fine Art]
English Plus Fine Art provides students with experience of researching and creating projects in drawing, painting, and 3D. Students will receive an introduction to traditional drawing and painting skills, such as tone, colour, measurement, portrait and life drawing, and composition.
There will also be a visit to a major exhibition or gallery such as the National Gallery to explore the relationship between fine art in the UK, Europe and the rest of the world.
This course is 4 weeks long and includes 15 hours of General English at the Language Centre and 15 hours of fine art per week at Central Saint Martins.
You can read more about this course and other English Plus courses on our website.
[Courses for Teenagers at UAL]
As you may know the Language Centre courses are available to students who are 16+. In addition to this, UAL also offers other courses which are suitable for teenagers, including Short Courses for 13-16 year olds and Short Courses for students who are 16-18.
From January 2015 we will no longer be offering General English 20 or Academic English 20. Instead both courses will be 15 hours per week but with the option of adding 5 hours of extra classes. Extra classes will run for one hour every day with the option of taking Speaking Skills or IELTS preparation. Please remember this change in course structure when you send us bookings for 2015.
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[July English Plus Courses]
The first week of July is always the Language Centre's busiest week of the year. On Monday 7th we welcomed 231 new starters who were enrolled and tested at Central Saint Martins (pictured, right)
The current total number of students at the Language Centre is 355, with students from 29 different countries. Here are the top 10 nationalities and their percentages below:
Nationality %
Taiwan 22
Brazil 19
Japan 8
Thailand 8
Russia 6
Italy 6
Spain 6
China 5
Korea 4
Turkey 3
238 (67%) of these students are taking English Plus courses, which gives you an idea of how popular they are!
[Young Creatives]
Last Monday was the first day of our residential junior programme for 13-17 year olds. This year we have 36 students studying specialist English Plus courses at Royal Hospital School in Suffolk.
The top 10 nationalities this year:
Nationality %
Russia 25
Italy 19
Taiwan 11
Spain 8
Greece 6
France 6
Switzerland 5
Brazil 5
Kazakhstan 3
China 3
Students travelled to Cambridge at the weekend on an excursion and to London next week. There is an exhibition on the last day of the course (Friday) which parents and visitors are invited to.