d'Overbroeck's All Excellent ҽϴ!! |
ISI(Independent School Inspectorate) 縳б ǹ ؼ ǰ Ⱓ б ڵ ٻ ȭߴµ, л 鿡 б Ȱ ̾߱ϰ ˻ ϴ ȸ ڰ ߴٰ ؿ. ISI л о ؼ 簡 ̷, ̹ ҽϴ.d'Overbroeck's ٷ "Excellent" бν ٽ ѹ ҽϴ. ش Ʒ ũ ؼ ϰ 캸 ְ, ֿ л о Ÿ Ȱ 뵵 鿡 Ƽ ϸ, л ߴ Źϴٴ ҽϴ. d'Overbroeck's ϰ Ư İ Ʒ ؼ Ȯּ մϴ. | | Dear Colleagues, As anyone working in education will surely agree, inspections are anticipated with a mix of emotions extra work is required of staff who already give their all to the job, but its also a welcome opportunity to show what we do and why were so dedicated to it.
So when the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) visited last month, for their mandatory regular Focused Compliance and Educational Quality inspection, we were delighted to have the opportunity for staff and students to talk about life at the school and for the inspectors to review lessons, student work and all areas of compliance.
This week they released their findings, and I am absolutely delighted to tell you that d'Overbroeck's has been recognised as Excellent in all areas covered by the report. The inspectors observed all the aspects of a dOverbroecks education which we know represent the ethos and outcomes we work so hard to deliver for our students.
I am proud to share the report on our website, and you can follow the link to read the full document. There are several quotes I would especially like to highlight to you below, and I hope you'll agree that the positive nature of this report captures why a d'Overbroeck's education is so special and unique! Yours sincerely Jonathan Cuff Principal |
"The quality of the pupils' academic and other achievements is excellent." - "Pupils make rapid progress in developing knowledge, skills and understanding as a result of the supportive and collaborative learning environment and the determination of the pupils."
- "Throughout the school pupils achieve excellent standards in academic and co-curricular activities."
- "Pupils listen to the views of others, discuss ideas with confidence and ask challenging questions to refine their thinking."
- "...an academic culture permeates throughout the school which is underpinned by the egalitarian relationship between teachers and pupils."
- "Pupils display excellent attitudes towards their learning, demonstrating an intrinsic motivation and determination to do well."
"The quality of the pupils' personal development is excellent." - "Pupils have a very strong sense of community and a well-developed appreciation of the international flavour of the school with all of its cultural influences."
- "From the moment they join the school, pupils make rapid progress in developing their self-confidence, resilience, self-discipline, and other personal skills."
- "A walk through the school at any time reveals small groups of pupils all engaged in purposeful activity or social interaction, enjoying and respecting the freedom they have been given."
- "Pupils are extremely good at supporting others in the school community and collaborating with their peers."
- "Pupils have a very clear understanding of how the decisions they make now will influence their own future success and well-being."